I'm Juan Carlo Rebanal,
and I hope we can meet one day.

Software engineer working with machine learning and DevSecOps.

About Juan Carlo

I'm Juan Carlo, but you can just call me Carlo. I graduated in March 2020 from my Master of Science program in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. I completed a thesis under the supervision and guidance of Professor Christina Fragouli. We worked on a novel localization approach for autonomous vehicles.

My main technical interests are in machine learning applications and research. I consider myself a generalist that enjoys various subfields of ML, but I'm partial towards computer vision, reinforcement learning, and explainability.

I resonate deeply with the fighting game genre of video games and am actively involved in the UCLA fighting game community. The competitive spirit underpinned by the constant search for self-improvement and self-understanding keep fighting games close to my heart. I do my part to foster a productive environment that facilitates the growth of everyone in the club by being a thoughtful competitor, organizer and teacher.

Music is another long-standing passion of mine; I am on the journey of learning to express myself seamlessly using the guitar and piano.

Projects & Experience


  • Persona 4 SRS tools and Tatsumi: a simple, unofficial Jisho.org Python API. Github
    Want to learn and practice Japanese with Persona 4? This repo contains Persona 4 Spaced Repetition System (SRS) items and a simple, unofficial Jisho.org Python API I used to generate them. The SRS items are generated based on an extracted dialogue script for Persona 4.

  • Resonance.ai: Podcast Companion. Github
    Made for the hackathon RU Hacks 2020. My contribution was a pipeline for processing podcasts into extractive summaries and embedded document vectors using NLP model BERT. Summaries could give users an automatically-generated glimpse of a podcast before they listen to it, and the document vectors' cosine similarities powered the recommendations system.

  • UCLA Masters Thesis: Self-Localization of Autonomous Vehicles Using Landmark Object Detection.
    A study and experiment on the novel connection between coding theory and the localization problem applied to autonomous vehicles. Some core ideas were built upon machine learning literature in computer vision.

  • Street Fighter 3 Character Detection System. Github
    Part of a larger project involving detecting game state using computer vision, and comparing a user's match footage to a video database to enable lookup of similar situations to expedite improvement of the user's play. Currently consists of data acquisition and labeling part of pipeline.

  • City graph self-localization simulation. Github
    Using real landmark data from Washington D.C., this is a simulation pipeline to demonstrate feasibility of self-localization of a vehicle traversing the given area by encoding street segments based on their respective landmarks.

  • Project LoFi: Activity and mood-based music recommendation system. YouTube Github
    Project [Lo]gical [Fi]tness consists of a Hexiwear, a wearable IoT device, Raspberry Pi, and a 1D convolutional neural network trained using Keras and implemented in an Android app using TensorFlow Lite and Android Studio. Together, heart rate variability measured from the Hexiwear and accelerometer data from the user's smartphone allow for the estimation of mood and cadence, respectively. Using this information together allows for an efficient look-up of an augmented dataset consisting of songs quantified by their emotional content, retrieving the most fitting song for the user in real-time.

  • Research paper presentation: Information Dropout.
    Presented as a final class project a research paper about a generalization of vanilla dropout based on the information theoretic basis of the information bottleneck principle of interpreting neural networks. By including multiplicative noise that is a function of the input, information dropout can improve image classifier performance on datasets of smaller size.

  • Abridged scribe note on structural risk minimization and non-uniform learnability. Github
    Together with a partner, we wrote a scribe note concerning structural risk minimization and non-uniform learnability in the context of statistical machine learning. This note is a summary of lecture discussions from the graduate course, Fundamentals of Statistical Machine Learning.

  • Research paper presentation: Maximizing Expected Local Improvement.
    Presented to a reinforcement learning reading group at UCLA a paper on deep reinforcement learning concerning the definition of a quantity capturing the expected local improvement that might be attained when new actions are added to the action space of a given state. By determining the states that could stand to receive the most improvement, human experts can be better informed of where to insert actions for the agent to better learn the space.

  • Basic neural network library written from scratch.
    Written in Python using only NumPy, a 3-layer fully-connected neural network was implemented. This basic library includes batch normalization, optimizers like Adam, backpropagated gradient calculation and loss function implementation. Writing all operations with matrix operations was a great learning experience. The network itself functions as a relatively precise classifier when trained and tested on the CIFAR-10 dataset.

  • Semantic classification of 20 Newsgroup dataset.
    Used NLP techniques such as lemmatization and stemming in combination with dimensionality reduction techniques like latent semantic indexing and non-negative matrix factorization to extract semantics from various emails in the dataset. Using logistic regression, classified 8 categories of articles, 4 of which belonged to 1 group of topics and the other 4 belonging to another group, with 97.5% accuracy.

  • Nearest-neighbor classification using prototype selection with linear optimization.
    Using linear programming techniques and CvxPy, implemented prototype selection in a large dataset to reduce computational cost of following operations.

  • Real-time WiFi activity analysis system.
    Undergraduate capstone design project. WiFi activity broadcasted by various devices, with respect to user privacy, was collected by a WiFi antenna connected to a Raspberry Pi. A connected laptop processed and visualized the activity data in real-time using Python visualization packages.

  • Custom-made quadcopter.
    Made a heavy quadcopter by throwing parts together, and took it for its maiden and final flight.

  • DIY guitar tuner.
    Using a 1/4" jack, an electric guitar's signal can be read by the Arduino where the uploaded sketch compares the frequency of the signal received to a lookup table, returning the resulting pitch and whether the input signal is flat or sharp via seven-segment LED.

  • Experience

  • Software Engineer (Machine learning, DevSecOps), Oracle
    I currently work on the ODIN SaaS Production Engineering team at the Redwood Shores HQ office in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am working on migrating SaaS tools to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and will be working on applying machine learning techniques to monitoring environments.

  • Graduate Research Assistant, UCLA (ARNI Lab)
    Working on my thesis with primary applications in autonomous vehicle navigation. My thesis aims to make navigation and localization more robust to missing information. By utilizing a dataset containing information about the locations of common landmarks such as trees and fire hydrants, street segments are encoded based on adjacent landmarks. Developing an algorithm to efficiently encode and decode such informations to localize even with observation errors. Implementing using Python and Jupyter Notebook.

  • Graduate Student Researcher, UCLA (UCLA HCI)
    Developed a multi-abstraction-level question-answer system for algorithms to educate users of any technical background. Designed, executed, and analyzed Wizard of Oz experiments to test the system feasbility. The 18-user study showed that the system answered 87.3% of their questions about the algorithm.

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant and Project Leader, Ryerson University (OPR-AL)
    Used ESP32 BLE/WiFi development boards to develop a de-centralized proximity sensor system. Built off ideas from the LEACH family of sensor clustering algorithms. Led a team of 2 other undergraduate students in research direction and implementation.

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant, Ryerson University (OPR-AL)
    Assisted with developing a physical-level network usage monitoring system. Over an Ethernet BASE100-TX connection, nominal and effective data rates were measured. Crafted a special packet that would render the otherwise un-observable (with available hardware) test packets to be observable.

  • Coursework

  • Graduate Courses
    - Linear programming
    - Information theory
    - Embedded systems
    - Large-scale data mining
    - Deep learning and neural networks
    - Large-scale network analysis
    - Fundamentals of statistical machine learning
    - Stochastic processes

  • Select Undergraduate Courses
    - Linear algebra
    - Software systems
    - Differential equations and vector calculus
    - Algorithms and data structures
    - Field theory
    - Electronic circuits
    - Discrete math
    - Microprocessor systems
    - Electromagnetics
    - Signals and systems
    - Probability
    - Communication systems
    - Control systems
    - Object-oriented analysis and design
    - Digital signal processing
    - Digital image processing
    - Computer organization and architecture
    - Multimedia systems
    - Optical communication

  • Fighting Games

    Community Involvement

  • Organizer, Fighting Game Community at UCLA
    Handles various affairs including tournament organization to help facilitate a more streamlined and open environment including: organizing/streaming tournaments, managing community equipment, and engaging with the community.

  • Selected Tournament Results

  • 2nd, Tekken 7 Online Tournament #1, FGC at UCLA
  • 2nd, Tekken 7 Online Tournament #0, FGC at UCLA
  • 2nd, Ultra Street Fighter 4 Tournament, FGC at UCLA
  • 2nd, UniCLAsh #7, FGC at UCLA
  • 3rd, Tekken 7 Tournament #3, FGC at UCLA
  • 4th, Wednesday Night Fights x Orange County 8 (SFIII 3rd Strike), Santa Ana
  • 7th, DreamHack Anaheim 2020 (UNICLR), Anaheim
  • Top 8 (Stream)
  • Top 8 (Offscreen)
  • Winner's Quarters
  • EventHubs.com article
  • 25th, DreamHack Anaheim 2020 (Tekken 7), Anaheim
  • Match 1
  • Match 2
  • Match 3
  • 2nd, Circuit of EXiStence #2, FGC at UCLA
  • 2nd, UniCLAsh #6, FGC at UCLA
  • 5th, Tekken 7 Tournament #2, FGC at UCLA
  • 3rd, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Tournament, FGC at UCLA
  • 1st, Mystery Game Tournament 2, FGC at UCLA
  • 2nd, Circuit of EXiStence, FGC at UCLA
  • 5th, UniCLAsh #5, FGC at UCLA
  • 257th/1157, EVO 2019 (UNIST), Las Vegas
  • 16th, World Gaming Street Fighter V Regional Finals, Toronto
  • Music

  • Transcriptions
    - Gathers Under Night... (Character Select Theme of UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late) by Raito
    - 出会い (Encounter) by Shoji Meguro
    - Rave On by Masafumi Takada
    - Fortune's Delight

  • Perfomances
    - Dancing Queen by Abba (Band cover by 元気食堂 Genki Shokudo)
    - Life Goes On by Shoji Meguro (Bass guitar)
    - Butterfly Kiss by Shoji Meguro (Piano)
    - 出会い (Encounter) by Shoji Meguro (Piano)
    - Animal Spirits by Vulfpeck (Piano)
    - Welcome to Vulf Records by Vulfpeck (Piano)
    - Beautiful Lie by Masafumi Takada (Piano)
    - Fallen Down (Reprise) by Toby Fox (Piano)
    - Corner of Memories by Shoji Meguro (Piano)

  • Resume & Contact

    Click here to view my resume.

    If you would like to get in touch, feel free to send an email to me at:

    Thanks for your time, and take care of yourself.